Do Your Part. Help Us Keep Children Safe Online

Our Purpose

To counter society’s rapid explosion of online child exploitation, pornography and predators, 52 local, state and federal agencies have partnered to create the NOVA-DC ICAC Task Force.

The task force was established in November 2004 through a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. With Virginia State Police serving as the coordinating agency, the grant provides for law enforcement training and equipment, and for conducting online investigations.

In less than a year, the NOVA-DC ICAC Task Force has had an impact on law enforcement’s ability to detect, deter and prosecute individuals who use the Internet to prey on juveniles.  The task force’s full-time investigative presence reinforces their commitment to safeguarding youth through aggressive proactive and reactive enforcement of cyber predators.

The U. S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has granted the task force use of its Cyber Center Headquarters to house their full-time investigative initiative.

The NOVA-DC ICAC Task Force serves as the coordinating agency for Cyber Tipline complaints received from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and referrals from other ICAC Task Forces to ensure these matters are thoroughly investigated.

Our Goals

  • Establish an Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force program consisting of professionals with backgrounds in various disciplines and from multiple jurisdictions, to address the needs of juvenile victims of sexual exploitation.  Establish forums for discussion about the methods to safeguard children from cyber predators, and provide a coordinated effort to deter, detect and prosecute violators.
  •  Conduct on a regular basis undercover online investigative projects.
  • Provide training and information about Internet crimes to children, parents, community organizations, criminal justice professionals, judiciary officials and legislators.


Spotsylvania arrests four men in child sex sting

The Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office announced Wednesday the arrests of four men accused of attempting to have sexual relations with someone they thought was a 13-year-old girl.

Child Porn Case Lands Fairfax County Man in Prison

Richard Robinson, 58, was sentenced Wednesday for “receipt of child pornography,” says U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Virginia…

Ashburn Man Sentenced for Child Pornography

A 31-year-old Ashburn man has been sentenced to five years for five counts of possession of child pornography

Ex-Youth Hockey Coach Sentenced 4 Years for Child Pornography Possession

The former coach of a youth hockey team in Northern Virginia was sentenced Friday to more than four years in prison after he pleaded guilty to child pornography charges and computer solicitation of a juvenile.